- GOV.UK Design System Snippets
- Snippets for the styles, components and patterns from the GOV.UK Design System.
- 251 Installs
GOV.UK Design System Nova snippets
This extension provides Nunjucks clips/snippets for the GOV.UK Design System, including styles, components, and patterns.
It was last updated with GOV.UK Frontend v5.3.0.
Visit the Nova extension page and select install.
Start typing GOV.UK
to see a list of all snippets or fuzzy match any of the specific names, all snippets are listed below.
Available snippets
Layout and Page
- Layout Column
- Layout Two-thirds
- Layout Two-thirds / One-third
- Layout Grid Row
- Layout Aside
- Question Page
- Confirmation Page
- Typography Header
- Typography Caption
- Typography Lead
- Typography Small
- Typography Link
- Typography Link (New Tab)
- Typography List
- Typography Section Break / HR
Override classe
- Override Font Class
- Override Display Class
- Override Width Class
- Override Text Align Class
- Accordion
- Back Link
- Breadcrumbs
- Form Button
- Link/Start Button
- Button Group
- Character/Word Count
- Checkboxes
- Checkbox
- Checkbox: Hint
- Checkbox: None
- Checkbox: Conditional
- Cookie Banner
- Date Input
- Details (show and hide, ShowyHideyThing)
- Error Message
- Error Summary
- Fieldset
- File Upload
- Footer
- Header
- Inset Text
- Notification Banner
- Pagination
- Pagination: Labels
- Pagination: Large
- Panel
- Password Input
- Phase Banner
- Radios
- Radio
- Radio: Hint
- Radio: Divider
- Radio: Conditional
- Select
- Skip Link
- Set HTML
- Summary List
- Summary List Row
- Summary Card
- Table
- Table Row
- Tabs
- Tag
- Task List
- Task List Item
- Text Input
- Textarea
- Warning Text
- Address
- Bank Details
- Email Address
- National Insurance number
- Telephone Number
- Image
- Route (Prototyping)
- Route If/Else (Prototyping)
GOV.UK Design System Nova snippets is a community resource of the GOV.UK Design System. The Design System team is not responsible for it and cannot support you with using it.
If you’ve got a question, need support, or want to contribute you can create an issue on GitHub.
Version 1.06
- added the Password Input component
- removed
Version 1.05
- added the Exit This Page component
- added the Task List component
- removed the old Task List layout
- added the Tudor Crown parameter to the Header component
Version 1.04
- removed task list page
Version 1.03
- added the new Summary Card component
- added missing components: Footer, Header, Phase Banner, and Skip Link
Version 1.02
- Aside snippet with related content
- removed extra comma in table snippet
- added missing comma in date snippet
- added correct class to postcode input in address snippet
Version 1.01
Bug fixes for indentation and a stray placeholder that was not working.
Version 1.0
Initial release