


OmniSharp - C# for Nova

This extension provides language support for C# (and helpful options for using with Unity) using OmniSharp Roslyn with the V1.39.10 release to try an do this LSP magic.

It provides for C#:

  • Syntax highlighting
  • Symbols

If you have a Nova project, which contains the .sln or .csproj file, this extension will also provide:

  • Language intelligence
  • Issues
  • Completions. (Requires Nova 11.3+. Nova 11.4, it formats it better)

In order for the language intelligence part, you need that .sln or .csproj file. This is part of the design of Omnisharp.


I am primarily focused on using it for work with Unity projects, so for right now it's using some options that will only work for Unity project and some basic .NET project may not work as expected.

Syntaxes were converted with Nova Mate from the grammar csharp in Microsoft's VSCode C# Extension and I basically added some <symbol> to get the outlining features to work.

Ominsharp release modification

While you can change setting to use a different omnisharp release, for this extension I modify the run file of the package omnisharp-osx to help handle spacing in the name of the path. I add :q to the variables for base_dir,omnisharp_dir and to creating the omnisharp_cmd.

Known Issues

  • Does not honor all the OmniSharp options properly.


1) You will need to have complete install of Mono (including MSBuild) in order to provide the language services.

2) You will need a version of .NET SDK installed.

3) To use "Unity Nova" you will also need to make sure that the Nova Command Line Tool is installed. * Go to Nova -> Settings... and click on the Tools item * If Command Line Tool says "Install", click on it to install it.


OmniSharp for Nova should runs any time you open a file with ".cs" files, or if there is a "*.csproj" file in the workspace.


While configuration options are there, not all are "hooked up" or work as expected. Still working on that.

Unity and "Unity Nova"

To use Nova and this extension with a Unity project, you need to add a project to Nova with either in the root of the Unity project's folder or the parent folder.

To setup Unity to use Nova as your editor, you'll need to use the UnityNova executable to launch Nova with the right parameters. Unity will send a line or column of zero, depending where it's called from. Nova isn't happy with that so this program will handle passing parameters to Nova that it will know either to just open a file, go to a particular line, or to go to a line and column of a file.

NOTE: Still working on making the extension install it. Right now, it will show a notification with a command to copy and paste in Terminal. You could probably go through Finder and Show Package Content to get to the same location:

~/Library/Application Support/Nova/Extensions/Omnisharp.novaextension/UnityNova

Once UnityNova is installed, go in Unity and go into the Settings -> External Tools

Change them as follows:

  • External Script Editor: Select UnityNova

    • @TODO Figure out how to copy to /usr/local/bin
  • External Script Editor Args: "$(File)" $(Line) $(Column)

NOTE: It is important to use the double quotes around $(File) to ensure that if the path contains spaces the command will work.

Additional Notes for Unity:

To make this work nicely for Unity projects, right now, we add in the following environmental variable and options automatically if using the Auto Detect Unity project setting (enabled by default):


and add these options when starting up the OmniSharp LSP for the project:



Version 0.4.4

  • Updated notes about using Unity Nova reuqires Nova Command Line Tool (thanks @brainandbrain)
  • Updated to V1.39.11 of OmniSharp-Roslyn

Version 0.4.3

  • Updated to V1.39.10 of OmniSharp-Roslyn
  • Updated readme

Version 0.4.1

  • Changed folder structure

Version 0.4.0

  • Should handle most options
  • With Nova 11.3, code completion is happening!

Version 0.3.0

  • Hover overs seem to work!
  • Added UnityNova to project for using Nova with Unity.
  • Activates when opening a *.cs file.
  • Started messing around with preferences.

Version 0.2.0

  • Should now have Symbols in Nova!

Version 0.1.0

  • Initial mess kinda starting up!