


Nova + autopep8

Provides a native method for invoking the autopep8 Python file formatter CLI tool. It will format the currently active file.


⌘⇧2 to open the extension panel. Search for autopep8.


⌘⇧P to open the command palette, then start typing Format Python file.


⌘⇧2 to open the extension panel. In the sidebar, select autopep8.

Executable path

This is the path to where the autopep8 executable is installed. This path comes from the output of which autopep8 and must be fully qualified.

  • Note: ensure that this refers to the autopep8 installed in your venv if you are using one.

CLI Arguments

These are the arguments passed to autopep8 before appending the current file to the end.

By default no arguments are set. If we add --aggressive --aggressive to this section, the command generated will look like:

/path/to/autopep8 --in-place --aggressive --aggressive /path/to/current/file
  • Note: --in-place is always prepended to the generated autopep8 command.


Version 1.0.5

Meta tag fixes

Version 1.0.4

Support notifications when formatting completes or fails

Version 1.0.3

Meta tag fixes

Version 1.0.2

Meta tag fixes

Version 1.0.1

Meta tag fixes

Version 1.0

Initial release