


Bakehouse Nova Extension

🥨 is a collection of the following helpful tools for working on projects created with Bakehouse:


🥨 offers clips in the following categories:

  • General
  • Comments
  • ViewHelper (Bakehouse & TYPO3 Fluid)
  • Settings (Bakehouse Settings Form)
  • Languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypoScript)
  • Icons (Bakehouse Iconfont)

Live Reload

🥨 comes with a CSS Live Reload feature powered by C.R.A.P (Css Reload Architecture for Prototyping).

This means no more manual page reloads when changes are made. It is now done automatically when the file is saved, saving time and keeping the focus in the editor.

Currently, this only works in Google Chrome, where Apple Events must be enabled: View > Developer > Allow JavaScript from Apple Events

TypoScript Language Support

🥨 provides syntax highlighting for TypoScript (TYPO3).

The TypoScript language definition is based on a parser for TypoScript. The TypoScript parser is generated using Tree-sitter (tree-sitter-typoscript). Each time there are changes/updates to tree-sitter-typoscript and its TypoScript grammar (grammar.js), the following steps are required to incorporate these changes into the extension:

  1. Clone (or update) the tree-sitter-typoscript repository: $ git clone

  2. Include the Makefile in the root of the cloned tree-sitter-typoscript project, along with the grammar.js file.

  3. Use the parser build script ( to compile the parser into a native dynamic library for use in the extension: ./ path/to/your/project/ path/to/

  4. Include the created dynamic library file (libtree-sitter-typoscript.dylib located in the created build/lib/ folder) in the Syntaxes/ folder of the extension, along with the TypoScript.xml file.

Code Formatter

Warning: Not yet implemented.

🥨 integrates a code formatter.


🥨 thanks the following resources that are or have been used in some way:


Version 1.0

Initial release including Clips, CSS Live Reload, and TypoScript Language Support for projects created with Bakehouse