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SVG Lines
A set of svg clips for your favorite editor, enabling you to play with Scalable Vector Graphics
89 clips40 elements, 42 attributes, 7 examples, organized in 7 folders.
Structure 16 clipsSvg header for file or inline html, structural elements.
Shapes 12 clipsPrimitives shapes, text, images.
Styling 12 clipsColoring, stroking, dashing, dotting.
Transform 5 clipsTranslation, rotation, scale, skew.
Advanced 23 clipsDeeper styling with gradient, pattern, mask.
Animate 14 clipsAnimate attribute, transformation, or motion.
Examples 7 clipsSamples ans starting lines.
Type |
Title |
Trigger |
Description |
1.1 | </> | svg file 1 | vg-file1 | Svg file with prepositioned elements (style + defs) |
1.2 | </> | svg file 2 | vg-file2 | Svg file with required attributes |
1.3 | </> | svg file 3 | vg-file3 | Svg file with grid (inline use) |
1.4 | </> | svg 512x512 | vg-512 | – |
1.5 | </> | svg 128x128 | vg-128 | – |
1.6 | </> | svg 64x64 | vg-64 | – |
1.7 | </> | svg 32x32 | vg-32 | – |
1.8 | </> | svg 24x24 | vg-24 | – |
1.9 | </> | view | vg-view | – |
1.10 | </> | defs | vg-defs | – |
1.11 | </> | group | vg-grou | Group element with transform attribute |
1.12 | </> | symbol | vg-symb | – |
1.13 | </> | use symbol | vg-ussy | – |
1.14 | </> | use element | vg-usel | – |
1.15 | </> | description | vg-desc | + Accessibility |
1.16 | </> | title | vg-titl | + Accessibility |
2.1 | </> | circle | vg-circ | – |
2.2 | </> | ellipse | vg-elli | – |
2.3 | </> | rect | vg-rect | – |
2.4 | </> | round rect | vg-recr | – |
2.5 | </> | polygon | vg-poly | – |
2.6 | </> | line | vg-line | – |
2.7 | </> | polyline | vg-poli | – |
2.8 | </> | path | vg-path | – |
2.9 | </> | text | vg-text | – |
2.10 | </> | text path | vg-txtp | – |
2.11 | </> | tspan | vg-tspn | – |
2.12 | </> | image | vg-imag | – |
3.1 | attr | fill | vg-fill | – |
3.2 | attr | fill-rule | vg-filr | – |
3.3 | attr | fill-opacity | vg-fopa | – |
3.4 | attr | stroke | vg-strk | – |
3.5 | attr | stroke-width | vg-swid | – |
3.6 | attr | stroke-opacity | vg-sopa | – |
3.7 | attr | stroke-linecap | vg-slic | – |
3.8 | attr | stroke-linejoin | vg-slij | – |
3.9 | attr | stroke-miterlimit | vg-mitl | – |
3.10 | attr | stroke-dasharray | vg-sdar | – |
3.11 | attr | stroke-dashoffset | vg-sdof | – |
3.12 | attr | pathLength | vg-plng | – |
4.1 | attr | translate | vg-tran | – |
4.2 | attr | rotate | vg-trot | – |
4.3 | attr | scale | vg-tsca | – |
4.4 | attr | skewX | vg-tskx | – |
4.5 | attr | skewY | vg-tsky | – |
5.1 | </> | linear gradient | vg-ling | Gradient |
5.2 | </> | radial gradient | vg-radg | Gradient |
5.3 | </> | stop | vg-stop | Gradient |
5.4 | attr | gradient units | vg-guni | Gradient |
5.5 | attr | gradient transform | vg-gtra | Gradient |
5.6 | attr | fill with gradient | vg-fgra | Gradient |
5.7 | attr | stroke with gradient | vg-sgra | Gradient |
5.8 | </> | pattern | vg-patt | Pattern |
5.9 | attr | patternUnits | vg-puni | Pattern |
5.10 | attr | patternContentUnits | vg-pcon | Pattern |
5.11 | attr | patternTransform | vg-ptra | Pattern |
5.12 | attr | fill with pattern | vg-fpat | Pattern |
5.13 | attr | stroke with pattern | vg-spat | Pattern |
5.14 | </> | mask definition | vg-mask | Mask |
5.15 | attr | mask a shape | vg-fmsk | Mask |
5.16 | </> | clip | vg-clip | Clip |
5.17 | attr | clip-path a shape | vg-fcli | Clip |
5.18 | attr | clip-rule | vg-crul | Clip |
5.19 | attr | clipPathUnits | vg-cpun | Clip |
5.20 | </> | marker | vg-mark | Marker |
5.21 | attr | marker-start | vg-mstt | Marker |
5.22 | attr | marker-mid | vg-mmid | Marker |
5.23 | attr | marker-end | vg-mend | Marker |
6.1 | </> | animate attribute | vg-aatr | – |
6.2 | </> | animate transform | vg-atra | – |
6.3 | </> | animate motion | vg-amot | – |
6.4 | </> | motion path | vg-amop | – |
6.5 | </> | set | vg-aset | – |
6.6 | attr | from / to - svg anim | vg-afto | 2 attributes for 2 stepped animation |
6.7 | attr | values - svg anim | vg-aval | – |
6.8 | attr | begin - svg anim | vg-abeg | – |
6.9 | attr | keyPoints - svg anim | vg-akpo | – |
6.10 | attr | keyTimes - svg anim | vg-akti | – |
6.11 | attr | keySplines - svg anim | vg-aksp | – |
6.12 | attr | calcMode - svg anim | vg-acal | – |
6.13 | attr | accumulate - svg anim | vg-acum | – |
6.14 | attr | additive - svg anim | vg-adit | – |
7.1 | svg | example 0 - Grids | vg-x0 | _ |
7.2 | svg | example 1 - Shapes | vg-x1 | – |
7.3 | svg | example 2 - Paths | vg-x2 | – |
7.4 | svg | example 3 - Styling | vg-x3 | – |
7.5 | svg | example 4 - Advanced | vg-x4 | – |
7.6 | svg | example 5 - Transform | vg-x5 | – |
7.7 | svg | example 6 - Animate | vg-x6 | – |
The search for svg in nova extensions yielded no results, so I organized my svg clips somewhat after learning about the possibility of making my own extensions.
The organization of the folders corresponds to the structure of the course I share with my students.
Future ?
→ Missing elements & attributes.
→ Svg filters.
→ Improving what's needed…