


Markers provides simple means to quickly jump to special comments called markers.

Nova will recognize comments formatted a certain way as “bookmarks” in supported programming languages. Generally, the format is a comment with a leading exclamation point.

//! Im a bookmark
/* ! Im also a bookmark */

Markers extends this notion by supporting more formats.

XCode style markers MARK, TODO, FIXME.

//MARK: Initialize the API
//TODO: Refactor API
//FIXME: This input must be sanitized...

Also the old Objective C style is also supported.

#pragma mark - Do This


Markers are defined by simple regular expressions. You can add your own regular expressions or modify them to your liking.

The regular expression is entered without the /.../ or modifiers.


This extension does have any external dependancies or uses additional executables.


To run Markers:

  • Open the command palette and type Marker
  • Select "Show markers..." from the editor menu.


Version 1.0

Initial release