


Rubocop automatically lints all open files, then reports errors and warnings in Nova's Issues sidebar and the editor gutter:


Rubocop requires some additional tools to be installed on your Mac:

Running the following command should globally install Rubocop for most use cases:

gem install rubocop rubocop-rails rubocop-rspec rubocop-md


  • We now let you choose whether to prepend your rubocop with bundle exec. If you do not it will use rubocop from your default/global gemset.

  • RVM users can now prepend their rubocop command with rvm .ruby-version do to surmount configuration issues with rvm. It will automatically use the .ruby-version file in your project root if you enable this option.


If you have a .rubocop.yml with inherit_gem and use rvm you will need to make sure your gems are all available in the default gemset with rvm. The easiest way to do this is to avoid using app specific gemsets. Otherwise try:

rvm gemset use default
bundle install


Version 1.3.1

  • Fix README and configuration description to more accurately reflect final state of changes.

Version 1.3

  • Enable using rvm do with rubocop.

Version 1.2

  • Enable using bundle exec with rubocop.
  • Bug: fix error if there are no fixes from Rubocop.

Version 1.1

Add issue severity differentiation.

Version 1.0

Initial release